Zen Coaching Advanced Training, May 8-15, 2021
Module 1: Living as a True Person of Being - the Pearl beyond Price
Retreat facilitator: Kåre Landfald
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Living as a True Person of Being - the Pearl beyond Price
Ego development is a stepping stone towards the full maturation of the human being. The True Person of Being is the complete human being, living in full autonomy and yet fully connected. The True Self is the richness and fullness of being in human form. It is the ability to be authentic in contact with others, and it is to offer one’s gift to the world from a deep inner connection.
To be in touch with our personal essence, our true personhood, is pure preciousness. Almaas calls it the Pearl Beyond Price, the Blue Pearl. It is priceless. It is inner peace and contentment. It gives meaning to being human. It is the integration of the different essence qualities in a wholeness of personal, individuated human presence in the world. It makes true relating and true living possible and available on a daily basis.
In this retreat we will explore the qualities of the Personal Essence, the Pearl, and the blocks to living and developing it. The Pearl is not only an inner discovery, it is a growth and development, the maturation of the human being over time.


Kåre Landfald
Kåre is a gifted teacher and coach with a strong passion for sharing tools for inner transformation. He is the founder of the Zen Coaching approach, started in 2005. He is also the founder of the International Zen Coaching network, consisting of approx. 600 persons from more than 10 countries. Kåre was co–owner of Ängsbacka Retreat Center from 2004-2006, and of Kärlingesund Retreat Center from 2014-2018. He now lives in Oslo and travels extensively, offering training in Zen Coaching, workshops, and coaching to individuals and organisations in many countries.
For the last 20 years, Kåre has studied extensively with teachers and traditions from many wisdom traditions. Amongst his inspirations for the Zen Coaching approach are Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, A.H. Almaas (Diamond Approach), Marshall B. Rosenberg (Non-violent Communication), Svagito Liebermeister (Family Constellations, Zen Counselling), Byron Katie (The Work), Nukunu (Non-dual Therapy) and Rahasya (Counselling from the Heart).
Kåre holds a Masters Degree in Computer Science and Management, and a Bachelor degree in philosophy. He earlier worked for 4 years internationally for the United Nations and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and for several years as a consultant in the field of international development cooperation. In his free time Kåre is a lover of traveling, nature and nature sports, especially kitesurfing.
Practical information
Cost and registration
Course fee per module: 8 500 NOK, including one private session (50 minutes). We will add 100 NOK if you invoice is over 5.000 NOK and 50 NOK if below. This is the cost we have to the bank for payments from abroad.
For more fee options, see arranger's website.
Accomodation and food: Many different room options available.
For more information and booking, click here
Information on food and practicalities
• All participants should check in/register in the reception and pay for food and lodging upon arrival to Mundekulla
• Bring your own sheets and towels. Can also be rented at reception for SEK 100/set.
• Participants clean bedrooms after the course, or buy this service for a cost of SEK 200/bedroom. For room cleaning not carried out by participant a fee of SEK 400 will be invoiced.
• Course participants help out with washing up after every meal. (2-3 persons/meal)
• It is not allowed to light candles and to bring pets to the facilities.
• It's good to bring clothes for nature walks.
Contact Eva Areskog, eva.zencoaching@gmail.com
Check-in May 8, at 4-6 pm.
The course starts at 6 pm.
End time May 15 at 3.30 pm.
Course fee per module:
8 500 NOK, including one private session (50 minutes)
For more fee options, see arranger's website.
Many different room options available, see arranger's website.