Anne Solveig and Peter Elmberg
Anne Solveig and Peter Elmberg, founders of Mundekulla Retreatcenter.
When we created Mundekulla Retreatcenter in 1998, we both had a longing to live in a more peaceful way, in harmony with nature and as a part of a movement for a more peaceful world.
-Peter had been studying the native people at the university and had been living in temples for a year. Now he was back home, living in a small cottage in the forest and growing his own vegetables.
-Anne had from a very young age been interested in meditating and dreamt of creating a retreat center, where people could come to find inner peace and be inspired to live more in harmony with each other and with mother earth.
Both of us were writing songs and creating music and that was how we met, through our common inspiration and by sharing music with each other. Soon we found out that the place that Peters father was restoring in Mundekulla consisted of an old houses and a big barn, could be used as a venue for a Music festival in 1999. And that was the start. Since then, Mundekulla has grown bigger, many events have taken place here and people from all over the world have come to visit and participated on courses and festivals. Songs, music and Mundekulla’s heartdances have always been at the heart of this place. We also have a gallery with Annes paintings, often depicting the earth and a peaceful world, as well as a small shop where we sell our own products, at the center of Mundekulla.
We have also written Musicals together that is being shown every summer at the Amphi theatre at Mundekulla as well as the big concerthalls in the major cities of southern Sweden.
Peter Elmberg
Apart from taking the main responsibility for running the retreat center, Peter devotes a lot of focus to his music, arranging concerts, musicals, and other events.
- www.peterelmberg.se
Anne Solveig
For now, Anne’s main focus is on her music, art and writing. She also has a big passion for inspiring women and offers retreats and other events, especially for women.
- www.annesolveig.com
Today closer to ten people work in Mundekulla with various tasks and Peter and Anne is very dedicated to developing the center as well as the art and music
Read more about Anne’s and Peter’s art and music.