Food & Accomodation
Mundekullas food is well known in the region and very much appreciated. We offer climate smart, nourishing, locally grown, healthy and vegeterian food. At least 80% of all food served in Mundekulla is organic and mostly localy grown at a biodynamic farm nearby.
We often serve raw food as a supplement to the meals
Everything is newly build in Mundekulla with an ecofriendly approach.
We have designed beautiful, charming and eco-friendly rooms with nice and soft beds. Some rooms have private shower and bathroom, some share communal showers and bathrooms. All rooms are insulated with ecological material such as wool, sawpowder, linen, hemp, recycled newspapers.
We have 40 beds in 20 different rooms as well as 10 beds in the "Viking village" at the site. We also have 50 beds in a sleepinghalss at bigger events such as festivals.
See pictures of our rooms and the facilities here