Booking Terms and Conditions
These conditions apply to events organized by Mundekulla Retreat Center. For events not arranged by Mundekulla (external organizers) the conditions that the organizer sets up apply.
Booking and Cancellation policy
The booking fee is 600 SEK per person (included in the total fee paid when booking). Cancellations can be made up until two weeks prior to the starting date of the event, whereby your full payment will be refunded, except for the booking fee. When cancelling your ticket later than that date, your payment will be refunded only if you provide a medical certificate (you still pay the registration fee of 600 SEK). You will naturally also be refunded if the event should be cancelled.
Bankgiro and international payment
Mundekulla's (Swedish) Bankgiro: 5518-7074
International payments: IBAN= SE69 8000 0800 6900 3136 2932, BIC=SWEDSESS
Sparbanken Eken, Långasjö