Mundekulla Festival, Aug 5-9, 2020 - 22nd anniversary
Theme: "It takes a child to raise a village..."
Welcome to the Mundekulla Festival
Every year, around 300 people gather at beautiful Mundekulla ECO Retreat Center in the south of Sweden for the annual Mundekulla Festival, an exciting event filled with over 30 splendid musicians and workshop leaders. In 2020, the festival will be held for the 22nd year in a row, celebrating the development of the place and life itself with a focus on sustainable living and the connection with others. The theme of the year is "It takes a child to raise a village, it takes a village to raise a child" with a lot of focus on children and youth. The festival is alcohol and drugfree and offers vegetarian food and raw food cakes..
As a participant in the Mundekulla festival, you will automatically become an active co-creator rather than a passive spectator. During the days, you can take part in workshops and in the evenings, you can enjoy concerts with amazing artists and musicians from far and near, which is alternated with an open stage.
Join the festival’s Facebook group to keep up with our latest updates.
Over the years, many wonderful musicians, workshop leaders and visitors have contributed to the warm atmosphere that characterizes every music festival at Mundekulla. It has been an exciting journey, from the run-down, abandoned house that we bought in 1998, to the retreat centre that we have developed gradually over the years, by combining genuine building tradition with sustainable innovation. Our organic food has become an important ingredient and our latest project was to cover the roof of our barn with solar panels. The festival is seasoned with meetings between different generations and nationalities as well as between the city and the countryside. The festival is completely drug- and alcohol-free and invites people of all ages. It has even been awarded as Sweden’s most sustainable festival.
-Listen to rock legend Dan Reed’s tribute to Mundekulla
Daily Program
During the festival, you will encounter heartdance, singing, dancing, music, an open stage, creativity, ceremonies, yoga, meditation, stillness, sharing, chanting, djembe and didgeridoo. All activities take place indoors in our beautiful barns and meeting halls, built with sustainable building techniques. Many of our participants have expressed their appreciation for Mundekulla’s beautiful surroundings, with its natural swimming ponds and cultural landscape.
This festival is one of its kind and invites people from different cultures, ages and backgrounds. Even if you come here alone, you can be sure to leave Mundekulla with many new friends.
All concerts, workshops and a camping space are included in the festival ticket.
The participants of 2020 is not available yet but you can see last years participants below
Participants 2019
More than 50 workshopleaders and musicians

James F. Twyman (USA) – Concert and Workshops
James F. Twyman is the best-selling author of ten books, including Emissary of Light and The Art of Spiritual Peacemaking. He’s also an internationally renowned “Peace Troubadour” who has the reputation for drawing millions of people together in prayer to positively influence crises throughout the world. He has been invited by the leaders of Iraq, Northern Ireland, South Africa, Bosnia, Croatia, and Serbia to perform The Peace Concert—often while conflicts raged in those areas. He has performed at the United Nations, the Pentagon, and other venues. James is also the executive producer and co-writer of the feature film Indigo, and the director of Indigo Evolution and the documentary The Moses Code. James is also doing a tour around Sweden in Malmö, Gothenburg and Stockholm on aug 2-4 together with Peter Elmberg (Mundekulla's founder)

Diane Patterson (Usa) – Concert and #metoo workshop
We re so happy to have Diane with us again for the fifth time in Mundekulla. The "love of our life" that we met on Hawaii in 2005 and we were amazed by her music, charisma and strong personality!! Folkgoddess Diane Patterson subverts the dominant paradigm with rocking acoustic guitar and ukulele, a mighty pen, and a woman's voice, since 1989. Patterson weaves her original folk- Americana music and unifying stories around the world.
“I have no idea whether Patterson is Native American but if she is not she sure has the spirit and music in her blood. The rhythms, the patterns, the topics. The voice— ah, that voice. A bit of Joni and a bit of Essra Mohawk and a bit of so many female vocalists I have admired over the years. She adapts it to song so well— surprising well, in fact— from semi-Joni Mitchell on the opener, “Rogue River Highway” to straight rock, Gabrielle Gerwitz-style on “Eagle Feather”, to floating perfection on “Full Moon”.” --No Depression, by Frank Gutch Jr. Listen>>

Peter Elmberg – Concert and Workshops
Peter Elmberg founded Mundekulla Music Festival together with Anne Solveig (see below) in 1999. After studying Native American history in the United States in 1996, Peter spent a year in solitude in a tiny ten-square-meter cabin in Mundekulla. Since then, Mundekulla has gradually grown into the retreat centre it is today. Peter has written more than 700 songs and recorded over 20 albums. In 2007, his song ‘Now is the time’ was described as ‘the best song ever’ in one of Sweden’s biggest magazines. In the spring of 2008, he recorded the album Songs for Tibet with some of Sweden’s most prominent musicians to promote the peaceful way of the Tibetans, and he performed 'A Song for Tibet' when Dalai Lama visited Stockholm in 2011. At the festival, Peter will, among other things, play a concert, share his Mindfulness songs inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh, organize morning meetings and lead men’s circles on the theme "Man in mission". Read more

Anne Solveig – Concert and Workshops
Anne Solveig built Mundekulla Retreat Centre together with Peter and wrote one of the most popular Mundekulla songs, ‘A Feeling of Joy’, which has spread far beyond the borders of Sweden. It is also the title of the album she has recorded together with Peter. Anne will be performing songs from her new album Shine, a collection of some of her best songs.
She will also exhibit some of her beautiful paintings in the Mundekulla Gallery and her art products will be available for purchase in the shop. Anne regularly organizes retreats for women in Mundekulla and during the festival, she will lead a Shine Sister workshop and a Shine Sister singing workshop together with Eva Cederblad. A few days before the festival, Anne and Eva will also hold a Shine Sister celebration course with singing and circle dancing. Read more

Mpho Ludidi (SA) Consert and ceremony
Mpho Ludidi is an Afro-Soul singer-songwriter whose roots come a long way from the South African up-tempo and musically colorful hood, Katlehong, in Johannesburg where he first got introduced to Soul and Jazz music; and influences from Matatiele where he picked up his African vocals. He is now residing in Sweden since 2014 and has made it as the 16th Independent Music Awards Nominee in the category of R&B/Soul, with his song Ithemba (2018). The Afro-Soul singer-songwriter, Mpho Ludidi studied Popular Music at Central Johannesburg College for three years. Although he majored in guitar, he gained confidence among the teachers as a backing vocalist; which made him one of the top two students to be picked for backing one of the greatest Afro-Jazz artists in South Africa, mama, Gloria Bosman. When Mpho Ludidi turned 30 years, his life took a different and more dramatic turn as he fell in love with his present wife and moved to Sweden. Listen

Elin Teilus (Sapmi) – Concert and sami yoik workshop and ceremony
Elin Teilus is a swedish sami singer, yoiker and artist with roots in Udtja, Sápmi in the north and Gothenburg in the south of Sweden. Like a force of nature with a magic voice of the sweetest well, the raw force of soil and playful as the northern light Elin welcomes you to her world. With a rebel heart and a proverb for the innocent she yoiks the unseen and unspoken that is alive in all connection. Hearing her sing is like sitting by the fire watching stories by the ancient ones come alive in the light of the future in a weaving with everyone present.
Singing the wild, Elin invites you to remember the untouched, sacred connection with life that dwells in human. The inherent bond with nature, Life and spirit. Listen>> (The Samis are the indegenious people of the nordic contries)

Fredrik Swahn – Concert "Connect"
Fredrik is an educated singer at the Royal collage of music in Stockholm. He has particpated on more than 10 cds and he has performed in many musicals such as Rent, Hair, West side story etc. He is often seen on Swedish television and he has had some major hit songs.
Over the last couple of years he has written and performed his own music which tend to be more personal and heart opening. At the Mundekulla festival he will perfom songs from his latest album "Connect" with songs such as "Antoher fuc#ing oppertunity for growth" , "If I could save you".
Fredrik is one of Sweden's most engaged entertainers on different events throughout Sweden.

Bubu Munshi - Tagore workshop and ceremony
Bubu Munshi is a professional singer, trained to sing Rabindranath Tagore’s songs at Rabindra Bharati University and Rabitirtha Institute in her native city Kolkata in India. Trained by Suchitra Mitra and Kanika Bandyopadhyay.
Since 1983, she is living in Lund, Sweden, but still regularly performing at rabindrasangheet concerts accompanying herself on the Harmonium. She has appeared on Swedish TV and radio, and sang in Lund Cathedral on the occasion of Mother Teresa’s death. Bubu is also the leader of Lund India Choir, consisting of Swedish singers specialised on singing Rabindrasangheet.
She will offer a singing workshop based on Tagores music as well as offering a ceremony honoring the ancestors of her own people and culture according to the festival theme "All our relations for seven generations".

Rickard Åström- Pianoimprovisation, music reasearch and concerts
Rickard is a frequent lecturer, invited to Universities, health institutions, music festivals etc. He shares insights from the research project he is involved in and illustrates by performing live music at the Piano. He also conducts live experiments, revealing the heart rates of singers while singing, studying the Heart rate synchronization. Richard is also part of Elin Teilus band together with Björn Bohlin and he also performs with Jenny Wessel during the festival.
Richard has played with many well known artist on the jazz-, folk- and worldmusic scene of Sweden over the years
Previous venues: The Royal College of Music, London, Karolinska institute, Stockholm, American Swedish Institute in Minneapolis, University of Missouri, USA, Ted talks, Music and Choir Festivals, and more. Read more

Amrita Magdala – Concert and healing workshop
Amrita spent her schoolyears until the age of 17 at a catholic school run by nuns which was a gift in many ways, but she wasn't allowed to practise what she loved the most such as singing and dancing. After years of repressing her voice and musical interest she studied to become a sound engineer and then went into the filmmaking industry and theatre. She also studied different areas of self-awareness as well as tao (various practices), chinese yoga (tao yin), yoga, shamanic work in Brazil, a course in miracles, Archetypical or Christic attunement, astrology, chanting, and breathing work and finally she got her voice back! Welcome to join an open space for joining our voices in a healing improvisation. Amrita will also share some of her touching songs alongside with the workshop. Listen

Sebastian Mullaert (Aka Minilogue) – Electronic Dance Music
We are happy to announce that Sebastian Mullaert will make a unique appearance at this year’s festival after touring all over the world, both as a live musician and as a DJ, with a focus on dancing and what it can remind us of. On Saturday night he will play underneath the stars at the amphitheatre, sharing his own dance music around the campfire.
Sebastian has been playing music in different forms since he was seven years old. For the past eighteen years, he has been focusing on electronic dance music, in the legendary duos Son Kite and Minilogue. For the last couple of years, he has mostly performed as a solo musician under his own name. Sebastian is also an active meditator, inspiring people to use music as a way to reach higher levels of consciousness.
Listen to Sebastian's music on Soundcloud or watch a live concert from Berlin

Charlotte Dufour (Fr) & Rainer Baritz (Ge) - The soul of our soils (workshop) + Yoga
Soils are vibrant with life. They are the foundation of our ecosystems: the nutrients they contain feed the trees, plants, and food we depend on. There can be more species in a handful of soil than all vertebrates on the planet. Nurturing our soils is the key for the well-being of our planet and our own. In this workshop, we will reconnect to the beauty and power of our soils in various ways. First Rainer will guide us in an exploration of what soils are, how they have been formed over millions of years. We will then symbolically connect to the life force in our soils with an exploration of our inner soil, through yoga and a short meditation. Finally, we will use art (poetry, drawing, or other forms of creativity) to express what this discovery of soils awakens in us. Rainer Baritz is a forester and soil scientist, who has been working on the protection of European soils for many years. Charlotte Dufour is an instructor of Ananda Yoga and meditation, who has spent most of her professional life working on the relationship between food, agriculture and environment policies and human nutrition.

Jenny Wessel – Yin yoga, Nia Dance and singing
Jenny Weessel will share Yin yoga during the festival. Yoga as well as dancing has also been an important part of Mundekulla Music Festival. Jenny loves dancing and is the owner of the popular Nia Movement Center in Gothenburg, Sweden since more than 10 tears. Nia initially stood for Non-Impact Aerobics, a health and fitness initiative that emerged in the 80’s and evolved to include neurological integrative practices and teachings. Drawing inspiration from dancing, martial arts and relaxation exercises, Nia is a fun way to exercise and stay healthy. Jenny also has a great singing voice, which she will share on her concert together with Rickard Åström and Björn Bohlin. Listen Also watch a video of a Nia workout

Björn Bohlin – Concert, Yin Yoga, Nia Dance and Bhajans
Björn Bohlin is a great musician with more than 40 years of experience performing with the Gothenburg philharmonics.
During the festival he will perform with artists like Jenny Wessel, Elin Teilus as well as meditation music, bhajans and a live performance during yin yoga and Nia dancing (run by Jenny Wessel).
Björn loives to perform in the now and plays all kinds of instruments such as the English horn, guitar, flute, didjeridu and oboe.
Björns appearance on stage and qualities in music is beyond measure!
He also offers a course in the end of novemeber at Mundekulla together with Jenny Wessel in Nia dancing, yin yoga and bhajans

Eva Cederblad – Shine Sister workhop, concert, bhajans, circledancing
Eva is a wonderful singer and musician that has written a lot of beautiful songs with great lyrics.
She is also a teacher of Circle (sacred) dances and choir leader which she will offer during the festival.
Another quality she has is singing bhajans as she lived in a Hindu temple for more than ten years in her youth singing and playing the merdunga (Indian drum). On this years festival she will give a concert of her own accompanied by Lars Magnus Österberg. She will also offer a Shine Sister workshop together with Anne Solveig (Co-founder of Mundekulla)
Eva is one of the artists that has participated in Mudnekulla since the very beginning touching peoples hearts ans soluls over and over again. Listen

Jan Eric Ström – Concerts and morning heartdance
Jan Eric Ström has supported many artists over the years with his beautiful guitar playing, on Mundekullas as well as otehr places. He has created ture magic and touched many people with his appearance and musical skills. Since his university degree in music he has worked with teaching children and youth how to master the classical guitar with great result. Lately he decided to focus all his energy into music and it has given great results with many gigs in Sweden as well as Northern Europe. During the festival he will give a mantra concert with Sara Scheen Otnes as well as the heartdance session at the morninggathering every morning as well as some support for other musicians.

Sara Scheen Otnes – Concert and soundbath
Sara has a backgrpund as a cabareartist and musical educator but she has always been interested in music that can touch peoples hearts. During the last 10 years she has spent much of her time performing music that helps us into greater awarness and mindfulness.
Apart from sining she also uses instruments like harmonium, drums and crystal bowls. She has created a wonderful music collaboration with Jan Eric Ström and the two of them offer a mantra concert on saturday night.
She also offer sound baths with the chance to relax and sink deeper into your being with the help of music. Saras voice, the crystal bowls and other beautiful instruments touches the whole system as people lay on matresses or sit in a comfortable chair or in a meditation posture.

Lennart Hallström – Djembeworkshop
Lennart runs one of Swedens formost Djembecenters since more that 20 years where he teaches people the weatadrican drumming tecniques- He also co works with west african dancers in several projects. He recently moved to the Mundekulla region and bought an old church where he offers courses o a regular basis (read more)
During the festival he will offer djembe workhsops for youth and elders as well as supporting several artist. He aslo performs with his own badn called "Earh tone" toghehter with Anders Grossman on didjeridu
Lennart also writes alot of his own music of singer song writing and maybe we'll see him perform o the open stage.

Sofia Devall – Concert "To be the one I am"
"Sofia Nylander writes music between pop and folk about the beauty of being human in the worls and the challanges of living in the society. About dancing particles, nazis, leaves in the wind and about the occasion when Jesus met a transwoman."
Welcome to an exciting journey about the courage of being oneself. To accept oneself and being accepted by others is not a common experience. In sofias case it took more than 20 years before whe could fully admit that she was a woman in a mans body - "It has been a very challanging journey for me to let go of the burdun of being different and questioning myself, its actually just the last cople of years that I can feel free and positve about myself with a new kind of self conficence"
Sofia has recently made a new cd and toched many people with her performance on last years festival and we look forward hearing her again. Sofia also run the PRIDE choir in Kalmar.

Magnus Bengtsson – Circus for the Children
One of the heroes of the festival is Magus Bengtsson, who runs a circus school for children, teenagers – and grown-ups !
While most adults run from workshop to workshop, Magnus teaches acrobatics, joggling, summersaults and a lot of other fun activities that most grown-ups have since long forgotten. But luckily, the children still know how to play!
And at the end of the festival they will perform a circus show, which is one of the highlights of the festival.
– Watch a video
There will be more activities for children and youth during the festival.

Enthusiasts Meetup – Make Your Dream Come True
One of the recurring events of the music festival is the Enthusiasts meetup, where you will be able to hear about interesting projects taking place around Sweden and the world – and maybe tell us about your project. This is a way to process all the impressions of the festival and put our own dreams and ideas into words. After all the inspiring concerts, workshops and lectures, this gathering is usually one of the most popular events of the festival.
-Official Information-
Reserve a Ticket:
Online Booking
Food and beverage will be served in Mundekulla’s restaurant and cafe.
Food tickets for the whole festival can be booked in advance on our online booking page
Accomodation in Mundekulla
– Camping (a tent space is included in the festival ticket)
– Dormitory and private rooms (100 beds available through the booking form) - Already booked up